SOP for Vortex Mixer

Standard operating procedure to mix the solution or to dissolve the various substance in to solvent.

1.0 Objective

To define the operation of the instrument for better and error-free use of the same.

2.0 Scope

This procedure is applicable to mix the solution or to dissolve the various substance into the solvent.

3.0 Responsibility

3.1 Doing: Technical Assistant / Executive

3.2 Checking: Executive/Manager

4.0 Accountability

Head of the Department

5.0 Procedure

5.1 Switch “ON” the mains.

5.2 Switch “ON” the instrument.

5.3 Red light will glow.

5.4 Put the test tube on the rubber pad.

5.5 Set the speed with the help of the knob.

5.6 On completion turn the speed knob anticlockwise.

5.7 Switch “OFF” the instrument.

5.8 Switch “OFF” the mains.

6.0 Abbreviations
